How Many Years Will It Take To Win Your Boyfriend Back?- By: Alex Peterson

Description : Waiting for your ex-boyfriend to come back to you can feel like pure torture. You feel like every passing hour is an eternity and if you knew for sure how long it would take for him to change his mind and give your relationship a second chance you could deal with all of this quite easily. You have no doubts that he loved you and deep down inside he does still love you but the stress of waiting and being alone is more than you can handle most days.

You know that pushing the issue and trying to convince him to come back to you will only prolong the whole process. If you break down and tell him that you would do anything to win him back, you will push him away. You worry about what is going on in his life. You wonder what he's doing, what he's thinking and you fear that someone else will come along and steal his heart away from you. You want to run to him but you know that this would spell certain death to your relationship. You are in a state of constant turmoil in your mind over what to say and what to do to win him back but you must be patient. You must wait for that perfect moment.

You don't want to be patient and you don't want to wait even though you know in your heart that you must. You can wait for many things and wish that life would teach you patience with something that isn't quite as important as the relationship with the one that you love. It's a double edged sword. You feel that if you wait too long you run the chance that he will move on with his life and find someone new. Yet, you know that if you pursue him or try to do anything that he might view as being pushy and you'll be signing your own death warrent and push him into the arms of someone new. It really is enough to drive you mad.

Not knowing how long you should wait can be frustrating and sitting there waiting is a very poor use of your time. It's just not helpful. What might work best is to take a one week period of time and tell yourself that during this time you're going to stop worrying about how to get him back and instead you're going to focus on making yourself happy. You can still think about him but instead of filling your mind with crazy scenarios where he runs off with another woman, you're going to think about your relationship in a more positive light. You're going to think about how you want things to be and how wonderful it will be when you are back together. You are going to be happy for a chance and this will be the entire focus for this one week period of time.

Start doing things for yourself for a change. Call some old friends that you haven't seen in a while or treat yourself to a dinner out. Spend some time shopping, even if it's just window shopping. Fix up your bedroom so it's just the way you want it or have a movie marathon of the movies that you like. Whatever makes you happy is what you are going to do for this week. Try to think of something special that you can do to treat yourself and improve your mood and your attitude. It is basic human nature that we are more attractive when we are happy, smiling and optimistic. Your ex-boyfriend is no exception and you will soon understand that you will stand a much better chance of getting him back if you're happy than if you're sad and depressed looking all the time.

Knowing what a man is attracted to emotionally and what makes him want to be with someone is both crucial and very basic when you get right down to it. Once you are back on your feet and feeling more confident about yourself and your chances of winning him back you will almost automatically be more attractive to him. In addition, once you are feeling better about yourself and your relationship, the waiting won't be as difficult as it was when you were worrying all the time about what might never happen.

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Author Resource : Visit my blog to learn more about how to get your boyfriend back. Discover how the use of male psychology can help you to win him over.